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Aetherwarped Cleaver is a Monster Infrequent Rare one-handed Axe. It has a chance to drop from Jarren the Plaguewarped in Port Valbury: Old Town.

Base Stats[]

Aetherwarped Cleaver Icon

Aetherwarped Cleaver

Rare one-Handed Axe
54-89 Physical Damage
1.93 Attacks per Second

6-10 Physical Damage
+30% Physical Damage
+20% Bleeding Damage
+2% Health
+2 to Zolhan's Technique

Required Player Level: 55
Required Physique: 387
Item Level: 55

Aetherwarped Cleaver Icon

Aetherwarped Cleaver

Rare one-Handed Axe
60-107 Physical Damage
1.89 Attacks per Second

7-13 Physical Damage
+34% Physical Damage
+25% Bleeding Damage
+2% Health
+2 to Zolhan's Technique

Required Player Level: 65
Required Physique: 443
Item Level: 65

Aetherwarped Cleaver Icon

Aetherwarped Cleaver

Rare one-Handed Axe
66-111 Physical Damage
1.89 Attacks per Second

9-15 Physical Damage
+38% Physical Damage
+30% Bleeding Damage
+2% Health
+2 to Zolhan's Technique

Required Player Level: 75
Required Physique: 484
Item Level: 75

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
