Grim Dawn Wiki
Storms Edge Concept
See also: Weapons, Unique Axes.

This page lists all One-Handed Axes in the game. For two-handed axes see here.

Common Axes[]

Name Base Stats Requirements Item Level
Woodsman's Axe Icon Woodsman's Axe 8-20 Physical Damage
1.15 Attacks per Second
Physique: 28 1
Scrapmetal Sawblade Icon Scrapmetal Sawblade 9-24 Physical Damage
1.17 Attacks per Second
Physique: 32 1
Tarnished Sawblade Icon Tarnished Sawblade 9-37 Physical Damage
1.17 Attacks per Second
Physique: 80 7
Tarnished Hatchet Icon Tarnished Hatchet 12-31 Physical Damage
1.21 Attacks per Second
Physique: 84 8
Iron Sawblade Icon Iron Sawblade 15-47 Physical Damage
1.14 Attacks per Second
Physique: 117 11
Tarnished Cleaver Icon Tarnished Cleaver 17-42 Physical Damage
1.17 Attacks per Second
Physique: 120 12
Tarnished Double Axe Icon Tarnished Double Axe 22-52 Physical Damage
1.14 Attacks per Second
Physique: 154 16
Spectral Cleaver Icon Spectral Cleaver 16-42 Physical Damage
12 Cold Damage
1.22 Attacks per Second
+15% Cold Damage
+1 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
Player Level: 20
Physique: 162
Bonecleaver Icon Bonecleaver 36-45 Physical Damage
1.2 Attacks per Second
33 Bleeding Damage over 3 seconds
+20% Bleeding Damage
Player Level: 20
Physique: 181
Iron Hatchet Icon Iron Hatchet 26-59 Physical Damage
1.2 Attacks per Second
Physique: 189 21
Iron Battle Axe Icon Iron Battle Axe 21-68 Physical Damage
1.17 Attacks per Second
Physique: 198 22
Iron Cleaver Icon Iron Cleaver 30-72 Physical Damage
1.24 Attacks per Second
Physique: 233 27
Iron Bearded Axe Icon Iron Bearded Axe 26-82 Physical Damage
1.19 Attacks per Second
Physique: 238 27
Steel Heavy Axe Icon Steel Heavy Axe 31-97 Physical Damage
1.2 Attacks per Second
Physique: 283 33
Steel Crescent Axe Icon Steel Crescent Axe 38-79 Physical Damage
9% Armor Piercing
1.24 Attacks per Second
Physique: 287 34
Raider Battle Axe Icon Raider Battle Axe 32-112 Physical Damage
1.2 Attacks per Second
Physique: 323 39
Raider Crescent Axe Icon Raider Crescent Axe 41-91 Physical Damage
10% Armor Piercing
1.22 Attacks per Second
Physique: 328 40
Assault Battle Axe Icon Assault Battle Axe 38-120 Physical Damage
1.22 Attacks per Second
Physique: 372 48
Assault Heavy Axe Icon Assault Heavy Axe 48-132 Physical Damage
1.16 Attacks per Second
Physique: 432 59
Exalted Blade Axe Icon Exalted Blade Axe 34-163 Physical Damage
9% Armor Piercing
1.16 Attacks per Second
Physique: 498 70
Exalted Double Axe Icon Exalted Double Axe 54-145 Physical Damage
1.14 Attacks per Second
Physique: 486 70
Exalted Cleaver Icon Exalted Cleaver  AoM 63-169 Physical Damage
1.78 Attacks per Second
Physique: 537 84
Preserver Battle Axe Icon Preserver Battle Axe  AoM 72-196 Physical Damage
9% Armor Piercing
1.8 Attacks per Second
Physique: 571 94

Magical Axes[]

Name Base Stats Requirements Item Level
Bloodspill Cleaver Icon Bloodspill Cleaver  AoM 96-138 Physical Damage
28% Armor Piercing
1.84 Attacks per Second
+56% Pierce Damage
+70% Bleeding Damage
+2 to Ring of Steel
+2 to Savagery
450 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds to Ring of Steel
Player Level: 90
Physique: 565

Rare Axes[]

Name Base Stats Requirements Item Level
Olman's Axe Icon Olman's Axe 1
Aetherscorched Cleaver Icon Aetherscorched Cleaver  FG
Blugrug's Plagued Edge Icon Blugrug's Plagued Edge  FG
Bonecleaver Icon Bonescythe 20
Boneslicer Icon Boneslicer
Moltenclaw Slicer Icon Moltenclaw Slicer  FG
Riftclaw Slicer Icon Riftclaw Slicer  FG
Sandclaw Slicer Icon Sandclaw Slicer  FG
Pit Master's Axe Icon Pit Master's Axe 24
Spectral Battle Axe Icon Spectral Battle Axe 35
Servitor's Cleaver Icon Servitor's Cleaver  FG
Servitor's Corruptor Icon Servitor's Corruptor  AoM 40
Servitor's Slicer Icon Servitor's Slicer  AoM 40
Aetherwarped Cleaver Icon Aetherwarped Cleaver 55


Name Base Stats Requirements Item Level
Death's Crescent Icon Death's Crescent Player Level: 35
Physique: 290
Rhowari Justice Icon Rhowari Justice Player Level: 35
Solar Edge Icon Solar Edge Player Level: 35
Physique: 290
Death's Crescent Icon Elite Death's Crescent Player Level: 70
Physique: 475
Rhowari Justice Icon Elite Rhowari Justice Player Level: 70
Physique: 478
Solar Edge Icon Elite Solar Edge Player Level: 70
Physique: 475

Epic & Legendary Axes[]

See main page: Unique Axes

Components for use in Axes[]

Component level Completed Stats
Chilled Steel Complete Chilled Steel 7 3 Cold Damage
+12% Cold Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
Ice Spike (Granted by Item)
Chipped Claw Complete Chipped Claw 7 4 Physical Damage
+12% Physical Damage
Slam (Granted by Item)
Cracked Lodestone Complete Cracked Lodestone 7 1-5 Lightning Damage
+12% Lightning Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage
Lightning Nova (Granted by Item)
Mutagenic Ichor Complete Mutagenic Ichor 7 15 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+10% Acid Damage
+10% Poison Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Acid Damage
Poison Bomb (Granted by Item)
Searing Ember Complete Searing Ember 7 2-4 Fire Damage
+12% Fire Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
Fireblast (Granted by Item)
Serrated Spike Complete Serrated Spike 7 3 Piercing Damage
9 Bleed Damage over 3 seconds
12% Increased Bleeding Damage
Impaling Weapons (Granted by Item)
Hollowed Fang Complete Hollowed Fang 11 5% Chance of 135 Life Leech Over 3 Seconds
+18% Vitality Damage
+18% Vitality Decay
4% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
10% Physical Damage converted to Vitality Damage
Blooddrinker (Granted by Item)
Flintcore Bolts Complete Flintcore Bolts 15 4-6 Fire Damage
15 Burn Damage over 3 Seconds
+25% Fire Damage
+25% Burn Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
Greater Fireblast (Granted by Item)
Imbued Silver Complete Imbued Silver 15 +15 Defensive Ability
15% Bleeding Resistance
+15% Damage to Chthonics
Void-Ward (Granted by Item)
Mark of Dreeg Complete Mark of Dreeg 15 50 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+30% Acid Damage
+30% Poison Damage
15 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
10% Physical Damage Converted to Acid Damage
+6% Light Radius
Dreeg's Infinite Gaze (Granted by Item)
Vicious Spikes Complete Vicious Spikes 15 4 Piercing Damage
+18% Piercing Damage
25 Reduced target's Armor for 5 Seconds
Empowered Impaling Weapons (Granted by Item)
Amber Complete Amber 20 2-8 Lightning Damage
+25% Lightning Damage
+25% Electrocute Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage
Empowered Lightning Nova (Granted by Item)
Blessed Whetstone Complete Blessed Whetstone 20 +50% Armor Piercing
+25% Bleeding Damage
+18 Offensive Ability
Behead (Granted by Item)
Coldstone Complete Coldstone 20 5 Cold Damage
+25% Cold Damage
+25% Frostburn Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
Chilling Weapons (Granted by Item)
Enchanted Flint Complete Enchanted Flint 20 4-6 Fire Damage
+25% Fire Damage
+25% Burn Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
Burning Weapons (Granted by Item)
Purified Salt Complete Purified Salt 20 +15 Defensive Ability
25% Life Leech Resistance
+15% Damage to Aetherials
+15% Damage to Aether Corruptions
Aether-Ward (Granted by Item)
Riftstone Complete Riftstone 20 2-8 Chaos Damage
+25% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
Chaos Strike (Granted by Item)
Vitriolic Gallstone Complete Vitriolic Gallstone 20 4 Acid Damage
20 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+25% Acid Damage
+25% Poison Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Acid Damage
Envenomed Weapons (Granted by Item)
Wrathstone Complete Wrathstone 20 4-6 Aether Damage
+25% Aether Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Aether Damage
Aether Weapons (Granted by Item)
Blessed Steel Complete Blessed Steel 24 4 Elemental Damage
+18% Elemental Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+18 Offensive Ability
Sacred Strike (Granted by Item)
Haunted Steel Complete Haunted Steel 24 8 Vitality Damage
+25% Vitality Damage
+25% Vitality Decay
10% of Physical dealt as Vitality
8% of Attack Damage converted to Health
Bloodthirster (Granted by Item)
Severed Claw Complete Severed Claw 24 7 Physical Damage
+25% Physical Damage
+15% Internal Trauma Damage
Brutal Slam (Granted by Item)
Bloody Whetstone Complete Bloody Whetstone 27 30 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
+8% to All Damage
+30% Bleeding Damage with 20% Increased Duration
Decapitate (Granted by Item)
Oleron's Blood Complete Oleron's Blood 30 +25% Physical Damage
+40% Internal Trauma Damage
+18 Offensive Ability
+2% Total Speed
Oleron's Might (Granted by Item)
Symbol of Solael Complete Symbol of Solael 35 2-12 Chaos Damage
+33% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
+33% Energy Absorbed from Enemy Spells
Solael's Flame (Granted by Item)
Shard of Beronath Complete Shard of Beronath 45 +18% to All Damage
8 Elemental Damage
+25 Offensive Ability
10% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
Beronath's Fury (Granted by Item)

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
