Grim Dawn Wiki

Enter a state of intense readiness in order to unleash lightning-fast counter strikes against your attackers.

This ability must be toggled to maintain its effect.


The "% Retaliation Damage added to Attack" stat is available only with the Forgotten Gods Expansion.

Skill Progression[]

Updated to: v1.1.9.1

Base Levels
Level Stats
1/16 20% Chance of Activating
0.8 Active Energy Cost per Second
25 Energy Reserved
1 Second Skill Recharge
4 Meter Target Area
5% Weapon Damage
2% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
70 Physical Damage
33 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
25 Physical Damage Retaliation
+20% to All Retaliation Damage
2/16 22% Chance of Activating
0.8 Active Energy Cost per Second
30 Energy Reserved
6% Weapon Damage
3% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
88 Physical Damage
75 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
36 Physical Damage Retaliation
+26% to All Retaliation Damage
3/16 23% Chance of Activating
0.9 Active Energy Cost per Second
35 Energy Reserved
7% Weapon Damage
3% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
104 Physical Damage
114 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
47 Physical Damage Retaliation
+32% to All Retaliation Damage
4/16 24% Chance of Activating
0.9 Active Energy Cost per Second
40 Energy Reserved
8% Weapon Damage
4% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
123 Physical Damage
159 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
58 Physical Damage Retaliation
+38% to All Retaliation Damage
5/16 25% Chance of Activating
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
45 Energy Reserved
9% Weapon Damage
4% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
141 Physical Damage
201 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
69 Physical Damage Retaliation
+44% to All Retaliation Damage
6/16 25% Chance of Activating
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
50 Energy Reserved
10% Weapon Damage
5% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
157 Physical Damage
246 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
80 Physical Damage Retaliation
+50% to All Retaliation Damage
7/16 26% Chance of Activating
1.1 Active Energy Cost per Second
55 Energy Reserved
10% Weapon Damage
5% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
178 Physical Damage
291 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
91 Physical Damage Retaliation
+56% to All Retaliation Damage
8/16 26% Chance of Activating
1.1 Active Energy Cost per Second
60 Energy Reserved
11% Weapon Damage
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
197 Physical Damage
339 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
102 Physical Damage Retaliation
+62% to All Retaliation Damage
9/16 27% Chance of Activating
1.2 Active Energy Cost per Second
65 Energy Reserved
11% Weapon Damage
6% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
215 Physical Damage
384 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
113 Physical Damage Retaliation
+68% to All Retaliation Damage
10/16 27% Chance of Activating
1.2 Active Energy Cost per Second
70 Energy Reserved
12% Weapon Damage
7% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
236 Physical Damage
432 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
124 Physical Damage Retaliation
+74% to All Retaliation Damage
11/16 28% Chance of Activating
1.3 Active Energy Cost per Second
75 Energy Reserved
12% Weapon Damage
7% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
257 Physical Damage
480 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
135 Physical Damage Retaliation
+80% to All Retaliation Damage
12/16 28% Chance of Activating
1.3 Active Energy Cost per Second
80 Energy Reserved
% Weapon Damage
8% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
275 Physical Damage
531 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
146 Physical Damage Retaliation
+86% to All Retaliation Damage
13/16 29% Chance of Activating
1.4 Active Energy Cost per Second
85 Energy Reserved
13% Weapon Damage
8% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
296 Physical Damage
579 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
157 Physical Damage Retaliation
+92% to All Retaliation Damage
14/16 29% Chance of Activating
1.4 Active Energy Cost per Second
90 Energy Reserved
14% Weapon Damage
9% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
317 Physical Damage
633 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
168 Physical Damage Retaliation
+98% to All Retaliation Damage
15/16 30% Chance of Activating
1.5 Active Energy Cost per Second
95 Energy Reserved
14% Weapon Damage
9% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
338 Physical Damage
681 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
179 Physical Damage Retaliation
+104% to All Retaliation Damage
16/16 30% Chance of Activating
1.5 Active Energy Cost per Second
100 Energy Reserved
15% Weapon Damage
10% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
359 Physical Damage
738 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
190 Physical Damage Retaliation
+110% to All Retaliation Damage
Ultimate Levels
Level Stats
17/16 31% Chance of Activating
1.6 Active Energy Cost per Second
+105 Energy Reserved
15% Weapon Damage
11% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
383 Physical Damage
780 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
205 Physical Damage Retaliation
+116% to All Retaliation Damage
18/16 31% Chance of Activating
1.6 Active Energy Cost per Second
+110 Energy Reserved
16% Weapon Damage
11% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
404 Physical Damage
834 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
220 Physical Damage Retaliation
+122% to All Retaliation Damage
19/16 32% Chance of Activating
1.7 Active Energy Cost per Second
+115 Energy Reserved
16% Weapon Damage
11% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
425 Physical Damage
885 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
235 Physical Damage Retaliation
+128% to All Retaliation Damage
20/16 32% Chance of Activating
1.7 Active Energy Cost per Second
+120 Energy Reserved
17% Weapon Damage
12% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
449 Physical Damage
939 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
250 Physical Damage Retaliation
+134% to All Retaliation Damage
21/16 33% Chance of Activating
1.8 Active Energy Cost per Second
+125 Energy Reserved
17% Weapon Damage
12% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
470 Physical Damage
990 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
265 Physical Damage Retaliation
+140% to All Retaliation Damage
22/16 33% Chance of Activating
1.8 Active Energy Cost per Second
+130 Energy Reserved
18% Weapon Damage
12% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
493 Physical Damage
1044 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
284 Physical Damage Retaliation
+146% to All Retaliation Damage
23/16 34% Chance of Activating
1.9 Active Energy Cost per Second
+130 Energy Reserved
18% Weapon Damage
13% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
514 Physical Damage
1098 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
303 Physical Damage Retaliation
+152% to All Retaliation Damage
24/16 34% Chance of Activating
1.9 Active Energy Cost per Second
+130 Energy Reserved
19% Weapon Damage
13% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
537 Physical Damage
1152 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
332 Physical Damage Retaliation
+158% to All Retaliation Damage
25/16 35% Chance of Activating
2 Active Energy Cost per Second
+130 Energy Reserved
19% Weapon Damage
13% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
561 Physical Damage
1206 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
361 Physical Damage Retaliation
+164% to All Retaliation Damage
26/16 35% Chance of Activating
2 Active Energy Cost per Second
+130 Energy Reserved
20% Weapon Damage
14% of Retaliation Damage added to Attack
585 Physical Damage
1260 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
405 Physical Damage Retaliation
+170% to All Retaliation Damage

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
