Grim Dawn Wiki

Summons one of the infinite eyes of Dreeg, the great guardian of the hidden realm. The eye quickly speeds toward the target and then detonates itself.


Skill Progression[]

Updated to: v1.1.9.0

Base Levels
Level Stats
1/12 10 Energy Cost
0.5 Meter Radius
8 Acid Damage
27 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
2/12 11 Energy Cost
16 Acid Damage
52 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
3/12 12 Energy Cost
24 Acid Damage
69 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
4/12 14 Energy Cost
32 Acid Damage
93 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
5/12 15 Energy Cost
40 Acid Damage
117 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
6/12 17 Energy Cost
49 Acid Damage
141 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
7/12 18 Energy Cost
58 Acid Damage
165 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
8/12 19 Energy Cost
67 Acid Damage
189 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
9/12 20 Energy Cost
76 Acid Damage
216 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
10/12 22 Energy Cost
86 Acid Damage
243 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
11/12 23 Energy Cost
96 Acid Damage
270 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
12/12 25 Energy Cost
106 Acid Damage
300 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
Ultimate Levels
Level Stats
13/12 27 Energy Cost
118 Acid Damage
333 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
14/12 29 Energy Cost
130 Acid Damage
366 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
15/12 31 Energy Cost
142 Acid Damage
399 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
16/12 33 Energy Cost
154 Acid Damage
432 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
17/12 35 Energy Cost
166 Acid Damage
465 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
18/12 38 Energy Cost
180 Acid Damage
501 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
19/12 40 Energy Cost
194 Acid Damage
537 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
20/12 42 Energy Cost
211 Acid Damage
582 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
21/12 44 Energy Cost
228 Acid Damage
627 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
22/12 46 Energy Cost
252 Acid Damage
690 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
