Grim Dawn Wiki

The fury of Cadence resonates with nearby enemies, causing heavy bleeding and striking additional nearby targets.

With ranged weapons, Cadence has a chance to pierce through enemies.


Skill Progression[]

Updated to: v1.1.9.0

Base Levels
Level Stats
1/12 +1 Energy Cost
+160 Degree Attack Arc
+2 Target Maximum
33% Chance to pass through Enemies
50 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+12% Physical Damage
+12% Pierce Damage
2/12 +1 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
39% Chance to pass through Enemies
84 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+21% Physical Damage
+21% Pierce Damage
3/12 +1 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
45% Chance to pass through Enemies
228 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+30% Physical Damage
+30% Pierce Damage
4/12 +1 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
51% Chance to pass through Enemies
152 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+39% Physical Damage
+39% Pierce Damage
5/12 +1 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
57% Chance to pass through Enemies
186 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+48% Physical Damage
+48% Pierce Damage
6/12 +1 Energy Cost
2 Target Maximum
63% Chance to pass through Enemies
220 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+57% Physical Damage
+57% Pierce Damage
7/12 +1 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
69% Chance to pass through Enemies
254 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+66% Physical Damage
+66% Pierce Damage
8/12 +2 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
76% Chance to pass through Enemies
288 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+75% Physical Damage
+75% Pierce Damage
9/12 +2 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
82% Chance to pass through Enemies
322 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+84% Physical Damage
+84% Pierce Damage
10/12 +2 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
88% Chance to pass through Enemies
356 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+93% Physical Damage
+93% Pierce Damage
11/12 +2 Energy Cost
+2 Target Maximum
94% Chance to pass through Enemies
390 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+102% Physical Damage
+102% Pierce Damage
12/12 +2 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
424 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+112% Physical Damage
+112% Pierce Damage
Ultimate Levels
Level Stats
13/12 +2 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
460 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+122% Physical Damage
+122% Pierce Damage
14/12 +2 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
496 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+132% Physical Damage
+132% Pierce Damage
15/12 +3 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
532 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+142% Physical Damage
+142% Pierce Damage
16/12 +3 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
568 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+152% Physical Damage
+152% Pierce Damage
17/12 +3 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
604 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+162% Physical Damage
+162% Pierce Damage
18/12 +3 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
642 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+173% Physical Damage
+173% Pierce Damage
19/12 +3 Energy Cost
+3 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
680 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+184% Physical Damage
+184% Pierce Damage
20/12 +3 Energy Cost
+4 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
728 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+195% Physical Damage
+195% Pierce Damage
21/12 +3 Energy Cost
+4 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
776 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+206% Physical Damage
+206% Pierce Damage
22/12 +3 Energy Cost
+4 Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
836 Bleeding Damage over 2 Seconds
+220% Physical Damage
+220% Pierce Damage

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
