Grim Dawn Wiki
See ArmorUnique Hand Armor

This page lists all Hand Armor in Grim Dawn.

Common Hand Armor[]

Name Base Stats Requirements Item Level
Leather Grips Icon Leather Grips 16 Armor Physique: 15 1
Scrapmetal Grips Icon Scrapmetal Grips 22 Armor Physique: 35 1
Hide Gloves Icon Hide Gloves 29 Armor Physique: 37 7
Plated Gauntlets Icon Plated Gauntlets 38 Armor Physique: 92 9
Infantry Vambraces Icon Infantry Vambraces 49 Armor Physique: 48 10
Salvaged Gloves Icon Salvaged Gloves 66 Armor Physique: 123 13
Studded Gloves Icon Studded Gloves 105 Armor Physique: 96 22
Restored Gauntlets Icon Restored Gauntlets 140 Armor Physique: 196 22
Scalemail Vambraces Icon Scalemail Vambraces 171 Armor Physique: 136 32
Hinterland Handguards Icon Hinterland Handguards 228 Armor Physique: 279 32
Scalemail Gloves Icon Scalemail Gloves 232 Armor Physique: 168 40
Heavy Gauntlets Icon Heavy Gauntlets 308 Armor Physique: 345 40
Raider Gauntlets Icon Raider Gauntlets 367 Armor Physique: 208 50
Assault Handguards Icon Assault Handguards 482 Armor Physique: 429 50
Chainmail Gauntlets Icon Chainmail Gauntlets 486 Armor Physique: 244 59
Imperial Handguards Icon Imperial Handguards 640 Armor Physique: 504 59
Exalted Vambraces Icon Exalted Vambraces 677 Armor Physique: 296 72
Exalted Handguards Icon Exalted Handguards 892 Armor Physique: 613 72
Preserver Gloves Icon Preserver Gloves  AoM 870 Armor Physique: 343 84
Preserver Grips Icon Preserver Grips  AoM 1147 Armor Physique: 712 84
Redeemer Gauntlets Icon Redeemer Gauntlets  AoM 1043 Armor Physique: 382 94
Redeemer Handguards Icon Redeemer Handguards  AoM 1375 Armor Physique: 795 94

Rare Hand Armor[]

Name Stats Requirements Item Level
Studded Gloves Icon Adept's Gloves 102 Armor
+12% Elemental Damage
+7% Casting Speed
+12 Spirit
+Random Stat(s)
Player Level: 24
Physique: 117
Restored Gauntlets Icon Squire's Gauntlets 162 Armor
+12% Physical Damage
+16 Offensive Ability
+8% Attack Speed
+Random Stat(s)
Player Level: 24
Physique: 219
Scalemail Vambraces Icon Adept's Grips 146 Armor
4-6 Elemental Damage
+22 Spirit
+10% Energy
+7% Casting Speed
+ Random Stat(s)

Lightning Bolt (5% Chance when Hit)
Player Level: 30
Physique: 200
Hinterland Handguards Icon Squire's Handguards 236 Armor
4-6 Physical Damage
+22 Cunning
+8% Attack Speed
+25% Shield Damage Blocked
+ Random Stat(s)

Lightning Nova (25% Chance on Block)
Player Level: 30
Physique: 272


Name Stats Requirements Item Level
Harvest Handguards Icon Harvest Handguards 236 Armor
+235 Health
+44 Defensive Ability
+10% Shield Damage Blocked
Increases Armor by 4%
8% Pierce Resistance
10% Chance of +300% to All Retaliation Damage
Player Level: 35
Physique: 318
Harvest Grips Icon Harvest Grips 146 Armor
5% Chance of +50% to All Damage
+23 Cunning
+23 Spirit
+65 Offensive Ability
+2% Offensive Ability
10% Pierce Resistance
Player Level: 35
Physique: 167
Rhowari Handguards Icon Rhowari Handguards 146 Armor
+10% to All Damage
+23 Spirit
+16% Attack Speed
+16% Casting Speed
10% Chance of 50 Reduced Offensive Ability Retaliation Over 5 Seconds
Player Level: 35
Physique: 167
Rhowari Grips Icon Rhowari Grips 146 Armor
+25% Bleeding Damage
5% Chance of 40 Reduced target's Defensive Ability For 5 Seconds
+20 Cunning
+4 Health Regenerated per second
+14% Attack Speed
Player Level: 35
Physique: 167
Harvest Handguards Icon Elite Harvest Handguards 908 Armor
+373 Health
+2% Health
+70 Defensive Ability
+18% Shield Damage Blocked
Increases Armor by 4%
22% Pierce Resistance
10% Chance of +400% to All Retaliation Damage
Player Level: 70
Physique: 670
Harvest Grips Icon Elite Harvest Grips 564 Armor
5% Chance of +100% to All Damage
+22 Physique
+34 Cunning
+34 Spirit
+105 Offensive Ability
+2% Offensive Ability
18% Pierce Resistance
Player Level: 70
Physique: 345
Rhowari Handguards Icon Elite Rhowari Handguards 564 Armor
+25% to All Damage
+34 Spirit
Increases Energy Regenerated by 10%
+16% Attack Speed
+16% Casting Speed
10% Chance of 110 Reduced Offensive Ability Retaliation Over 5 Seconds
Player Level: 70
Physique: 345
Rhowari Grips Icon Elite Rhowari Grips 564 Armor
+52% Bleeding Damage
5% Chance of 80 Reduced target's Defensive Ability For 5 Seconds
+32 Cunning
+7 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 10%
+14% Attack Speed
Player Level: 70
Physique: 345

Epic Hand Armor[]

Name Stats Requirements Item Level
Embergrip Handguards Icon Embergrip Handguards Player Level: 16
Physique: 62
Shadow's Grasp Icon Shadow's Grasp Player Level: 16
Physique: 62
Soul's Touch Icon Soul's Touch Player Level: 16
Physique: 62
Zealot's Gauntlets Icon Zealot's Gauntlets Player Level: 20
Physique: 92
Bladedancer's Handguards Icon Bladedancer's Handguards Player Level: 23
Physique: 201
Marauder's Gloves Icon Marauder's Gloves Player Level: 26
Physique: 126
Quickdraw Gloves Icon Quickdraw Gloves Player Level: 26
Physique: 126
Spellbinder's Grip Icon Spellmaker's Grip Player Level: 29
Physique: 139
Inscribed Bracers Icon Inscribed Bracers Player Level: 35
Physique: 167
Apothecary's Touch Icon Apothecary's Touch Player Level: 40
Physique: 191
Brawler's Gloves Icon Brawler's Gloves Player Level: 41
Physique: 191
Handguards of Redemption Icon Handguards of Perdition Player Level: 40
Physique: 366
Thundertouch Bracers Icon Thundertouch Bracers Player Level: 42
Physique: 191
Obsidian Grasp Icon Obsidian Grasp Player Level: 50
Physique: 464
Runic Bracers Icon Runic Bracers Player Level: 50
Physique: 464
Silktouch Handwraps Icon Silktouch Handwraps Player Level: 50
Physique: 240
Doomtouch Icon Doomtouch Player Level: 58
Physique: 281
Eastern Gloves Icon Eastern Gloves Player Level: 58
Physique: 281
Blacksteel Gauntlets Icon Blacksteel Gauntlets Player Level: 67
Physique: 617
Dawnguard Gauntlets Icon Dawnguard Gauntlets Player Level: 72
Physique: 645
Dreadchill Grasp Icon Dreadchill Grasp Player Level: 75
Physique: 372

Empowered Epic Hand Armor[]

Name Stats Requirements Item Level
Inscribed Bracers Icon Empowered Inscribed Bracers 58
Shadow's Grasp Icon Empowered Shadow's Grasp 58
File:Menhir's Touch Icon.png Empowered Apothecary's Touch 65
Bladedancer's Handguards Icon Empowered Bladedancer's Handguards 65
Brawler's Gloves Icon Empowered Brawler's Gloves 65
Marauder's Gloves Icon Empowered Marauder's Gloves 65
Quickdraw Gloves Icon Empowered Quickdraw Gloves 65
Soul's Touch Icon Empowered Soul's Touch 65
Zealot's Gauntlets Icon Empowered Zealot's Gauntlets 65
Handguards of Redemption Icon Empowered Handguards of Perdition 65
Embergrip Handguards Icon Empowered Embergrip Handguards 75
Spellbinder's Grip Icon Empowered Spellmaker's Grip 75
Thundertouch Bracers Icon Empowered Thundertouch Bracers 75

Legendary Hand Armor[]

Name Stats Requirements Item Level
Grasp of Unchained Might Icon Grasp of Unchained Might 50
Touch of the Everliving Grove Icon Touch of the Everliving Grove 50
Voidsteel Gauntlets Icon Voidsteel Gauntlets 50
Bonescavenger's Deathgrips Icon Bonescavenger's Deathgrips 58
Wyrmbone Handguards Icon Wyrmbone Handguards 58
Handguards of Justice Icon Handguards of Justice 65
Iceskorn Talons Icon Iceskorn Talons 65
Viperfang Grips Icon Viperfang Grips 65
Aethereach Icon Aethereach 75
Colossal Grasp Icon Colossal Grasp 75
Harbinger's Grasp Icon Harbinger's Grasp 75
Light's Defender Gauntlets Icon Light's Defender Gauntlets 75

Components for use in Hand Armor[]

Component level Completed Stats
Bristly Fur Complete Bristly Fur 1 +90 Health
+25% Constitution
Scavenged Plating Complete Scavenged Plating 1 +15 Armor
Antivenom Salve Complete Antivenom Salve 15 +10 Health Regenerated per Second
+24 Armor
20% Poison & Acid Resistance
Dense Fur Complete Dense Fur 15 +90 Health
+24 Armor
20% Cold Resistance
Molten Skin Complete Molten Skin 15 +24 Armor
20% Fire Resistance
15% Reduction in Burn Duration
Mutated Scales Complete Mutated Scales 15 +180 Health
+3% Health
Rigid Shell Complete Rigid Shell 15 +10 Physique
+24 Armor
20% Lightning Resistance
Unholy Inscription Complete Unholy Inscription 15 +15% Vitality Damage
+15 Offensive Ability
10% Vitality Resistance
15% Bleeding Resistance
Cconsecrated Wrappings Complete Consecrated Wrappings 20 3-8 Chaos Damage
+8% Chaos Resistance
+8% Attack Speed
Spellwoven Threads Complete Spellwoven Threads 20 +30% Burn Damage
+30% Frostburn Damage
+30% Electrocute Damage
+15 Spirit
+18 Offensive Ability
+8% Casting Speed
Spined Carapace Complete Spined Carapace 20 24 Armor
55 Piercing Retaliation
+12% Total Retaliation Damage
Restless Remains Complete Restless Remains 24 3% Damage Converted to Health
+220 Energy
+10% Casting Speed

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
