Patch Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[Major New Features]
- The Shattered Realm continues to destabilize with the introduction of 5 new levels!
- Several older skill spell FX have been updated to meet our modern standards. See the Art Section for details!
- Many Item Skills Modifiers with 100% Damage Conversion have been updated with new spell FX.
- Some older item sets have fallen behind their more modern brethren. We took this patch as an opportunity to redesign them and bring a new life to their gameplay. We hope you enjoy the following revised sets:
- Bloodrager's Frenzy
- Bloodrager's Endless Frenzy
- Iskandra's Unity
- Iskandra's Unification
- The Clairvoyant
- The Clairvoyant's Focus
- Ulzuin's Avatar
- Ulzuin's Infernal Avatar
[Shattered Realm]
- Boss spawn pools have been updated to smooth out progression and reduce nasty combinations, particularly at higher Shards. Certain bosses can no longer appear in multiples.
- Adjusted Loot Distribution curve such that loot quality starts out considerably higher before arriving at its previous values at Shard 60+.
- Reduced Monster health scaling with Shard at lower Shards, arriving at its original values by Shard 60.
- Adjusted Monster Physical damage scaling with Shards so that it scales slower than other damage types.
- Chunk exit portals are now always visible on the minimap regardless of distance from the player.
- The background bitmap of the Shattered Realm UI no longer prevents mouse input.
- The Splendors of the Shattered Realm now has a vendor to buy potions and sell items. In addition, this vendor sells the Shattered Realm Legendary set when you reach sufficiently high shards.
- The Shattered Realm Legendary set no longer drops from loot chests as it is available from the new vendor. Instead, additional crafting materials drop.
- Fixed a number of locations where players/monsters can get stuck beneath terrain. If you run into other such locations, please report them as a bug with a screenshot of the area.
- Fixed an issue where bosses would not properly reset after restarting a Shattered Realm run, resulting in excess spawns on the boss level.
- Fixed the information on Mutator Icons sometimes being incorrect.
- Updated the Devotion skill FX for Rhowan Crown's Elemental Storm to be less obtrusive and reduce blow-out.
- Updated visual FX on various shield skills (ex. Maiven's Sphere of Protection) so that they are much more subtle and less prone to blow-out when overlapped with other fx.
- Updated FX for Blade Arc.
- Updated FX for Bloody Pox.
- Updated FX for Counter Strike.
- Updated FX for Forcewave.
- Updated FX for Grasping Vines.
- Updated FX for Grenado.
- Updated FX for Phantasmal Blades.
- Updated FX for Stun Jacks.
- Updated FX for War Cry.
- Updated FX for Vindictive Flame.
- Updated FX for various Lightning-based Skills to be a bit flashier (Doombolt, Aetherbolt and other misc Lightning strikes).
- Updated textures and cast FX for beam skills (ex. Albrecht's Aether Ray).
- Changed shaders on Drain Essence to reduce blowout in bright areas.
- Changed shaders on chaos & vitality weapon trails to reduce blow-out in bright areas.
- Fixed a crash caused by objects and levels loading and unloading for clients in Multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed a rare crash related to beam-type skills (ex. Drain Essence)
- Fixed a rare crash related to channeled skills.
- Fixed an issue where bosses regaining health from player deaths in Multiplayer would not correctly update for all players (resulting in some players seemingly dealing no damage to a monster because the health bar is not updated)
- Fixed an issue where whirlwind-type skills (ex. Eye of Reckoning) would sometimes not respond when clicking in an unreachable position.
- Fixed an issue where Devotion shrines would not grant Experience if the player was at maximum Devotion points.
- Fixed an issue where certain hotkeys would work inside the Devotion Skill Window (ex. toggling Loot).
- Fixed an issue where GOG achievements were not being cached when playing offline.
- Added Footstep decals for Player Characters.
- Walking away from an Inventor while executing one of their features now closes any prompts.
- Increased area level ranges on Normal/Veteran difficulty so that players entering Arkovian Foothills and beyond after completing the Forgotten Gods campaign have a more suitable challenge.
- The Chthonian alternative to the Inashkor encounter now drops a unique Legendary item in contrast to the one dropped by Inashkor.
- Moltenclaw Monster Infrequents now drop from some of the hero variants. Champion Moltenclaws also have a slightly higher chance to drop their MI.
- Fixed an issue where the shortcut back to the Void's Edge would disappear.
- Fixed an issue that caused some breakable walls to be untargetable.
- Crafting - Kaylon's Reduced Stun Duration and Reduced Freeze Duration crafting bonuses are now more potent
- Crafting - Egellon's Slow Resist crafting bonus is now more potent
- Relic - Absolution: reduced % Shield Recovery Time to -35%
- Relic - Conflagration: granted skill now pierces through enemies, values adjusted accordingly
- Relic - Honor: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack damage on the skill to 25%
- Relic - Yugol's Hunger: reduced Movement Speed by an additional 4% while spinning to win with the granted skill
- Faction - Bysmiel's Grasp: increased Cold damage modifier for Summon Briarthorn to 40 and replaced % Total Speed for pets with 15% Attack Speed
- Faction - Mark of the Shadow Queen: reduced Elemental damage modifier for Aura of Censure to 70
- Faction - Occulant: increased Acid Retaliation on the skill proc
- Faction - Rancor: item has been redesigned to focus on Phantasmal Blades and Devouring Swarm
- Epic - Aetherstorm Amulet: removed Aether dealt as Lightning conversion
- Epic - Aetherstorm Seal: added % Aether damage
- Epic - Mythical Aetherstorm Amulet: removed Aether dealt as Lightning conversion
- Epic - Mythical Aetherstorm Seal: added % Aether damage
- Epic - Mythical Cindervein Mantle: added +2 to Fire Strike
- Epic - The Arcane Tempest Set: increased damage on the granted skill
- Monster Infrequent - Compelled Wraith: added 30% Burn/Vitality Decay Duration, removed Fire dealt as Vitality
- Monster Infrequent - Fleshwarped Defender: reduced Burn damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 50
- Monster Infrequent - Korvan Burning Halberd: added 10% Damage Modifier modifier for Righteous Fervor
- Monster Infrequent - Scorpius Pummeler: has been reclassified as a Scepter for the purpose of affixes it can roll with, values updated accordingly.
- Monster Infrequent - Ugdenbog Repeater: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 20%
- Components - Seal of ___: adjusted damage on granted skills
Legendary Non-Set Items
- Added % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack to Wave of Fire and Dawnshard procs
- Alladrah's Spellblade: reduced % Slow Resist to 20% and removed Health, removed % Crit damage bonus on the skill proc
- Avatar of Order: reduced Fire Retaliation to 260
- Callagadra's Visage: removed % Physical Retaliation damage
- Cindertouch: reduced Lightning damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 4-32
- Conduit of ___ Whispers: improved or revised many of the modifiers granted by this series of Amulets
- Dawnshard Hauberk: added 33% All Retaliation damage, replaced bonus to Full Spread with +3 to Temper
- Dread Armor of Azragor: reduced Physical Retaliation on the granted skill
- Dreadfire: added 16% Attack Speed
- Dreegal'Anore: added 10% Physical Resist, removed % Vitality/Vitality Decay damage
- Gildor's Guard: reduced Physical Retaliation and % All Retaliation on the skill proc
- Gildor's Pulverizer: increased % Cooldown Reduction to 16%, removed % Physical/Trauma damage and bonus to Cadence. Added 60% of Elemental dealt as Pierce and +2 to Nightblade Skills.
- Hellborne: added 45% of Physical dealt as Fire
- Infernal Brimstone: reduced Cooldown on skill proc to 3.5s
- Korvan Wyrm: added 10% Cooldown Reduction
- Markovian's Stratagem: reduced Physical damage to 6-10 and % Shield Damage Blocked to 33%
- Mythical Adversary: increased Offensive Ability to 132 and increased Physical dealt as Fire modifier for Grenado to 100%
- Mythical Alladrah's Spellblade: reduced % Slow Resist to 20% and removed Health, removed % Crit damage bonus on the skill proc. Replaced Fire damage modifier for Fire Strike with a 66 Burn / 3s modifier. Reduced Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 12.
- Mythical Arcanum Frigus: added 30% of Chaos dealt as Cold modifier for Phantasmal Blades
- Mythical Avatar of Order: reduced Fire Retaliation to 410, Reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Drain Essence to 8% and increased is Number of Targets modifier to 6.
- Mythical Avenger of Cairn: reduced % All Retaliation damage to 66%
- Mythical Bane of the Winter King: increased % Cold Resist Reduction modifier for Veil of Shadows to -18%
- Mythical Bramblevine: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Righteous Fervor to 6%
- Mythical Codex of Lies: increased % Cast Speed to 14% and increased % Crit damage modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 12%. Replaced Aether damage modifier for Curse of Frailty with a -8% Aether Resist Reduction modifier
- Mythical Dawnshard Gaze: added 60% All Retaliation damage, added 5% Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Aegis of Menhir
- Mythical Dawnshard Hauberk: added 62% All Retaliation damage, replaced bonus to Full Spread with +3 to Temper
- Mythical Decree of the Circle of Five: added 10% Attack Speed
- Mythical Dread Armor of Azragor: reduced Physical Retaliation on the granted skill
- Mythical Dread-Mask of Gurgoth: reduced % Crit damage modifier for Storm Totem to 16%
- Mythical Dreadfire: added 16% Attack Speed
- Mythical Dreegal'anore: added 12% Physical Resist, increased % All Retaliation damage to 215%, removed % Vitality/Vitality Decay damage. Replaced modifiers for Blood of Dreeg with 100% Health Regeneration and 400 Acid Retaliation modifiers. Increased % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Judgment to 22%
- Mythical Exeuctioner's Judgement: increased % Physical dealt as Cold modifier for Cadence to 100%
- Mythical Fateweaver's Mantle: added +2 to Static Strike
- Mythical Final Stop: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Smite to 15% and reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack on the granted skill
- Mythical Girdle of Stolen Dreams: added +2 to Decomposition
- Mythical Glyph of the Storm Witch: added +2 to Canister Bomb
- Mythical Hellborne: added 45% of Physical dealt as Fire and 175% All Retaliation damage
- Mythical Infernal Brimstone: reduced Cooldown on skill proc to 3.5s
- Mythical Korvan Wyrm: increased Offensive Ability to 90, added 12% Cooldown Reduction and increased Physical damage modifier for Primal Strike to 180
- Mythical Leviathan: added 5% Attack Damage Converted to Health modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst
- Mythical Markovian's Stratagem: reduced Physical damage to 11-16 and % Shield Damage Blocked to 40%
- Mythical Nadaan's Reach: added +4 to Circle of Slaughter and increased Offensive Ability to 90, increased bonus to Soldier/Inquisitor skills to +2
- Mythical Nidalla's Legwraps: added 62% All Retaliation damage
- Mythical Nightshade's Reach: increased % Attack Speed to 22% and % Cooldown Reduction to 15%
- Mythical Night's Embrace: reduced % Cold/Pierce Resist Reduction on the granted skill to -18%
- Mythical Northern Wyrm: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill
- Mythical Obsidian Juggernaut: increased % Cast Speed to 18%
- Mythical Quillthrower of Dreeg: increased Summon Limit on the skill proc to 4 and increased their attack rate
- Mythical Raka'Jax: added 100% Electrocute Duration and increased Electrocute damage modifier for Primal Strike to 200 / 3s
- Mythical Reforged Chains of Oleron: reduced Physical damage to 15-21, added +2 to Divine Mandate. Removed +1 to Oathkeeper Skills.
- Mythical Riftwarped Grasp: removed Chaos dealt as Vitality conversion, added +2 to Decomposition
- Mythical Rune Armor of Ignaffar: added +2 to Fire Strike
- Mythical Runeplates of Ignaffar: added 85% All Retaliation damage and 300 Fire Retaliation
- Mythical Sash of the Immortal Sage: added 380 Fire Retaliation
- Mythical Scion of Bitter Winds: added skill proc with a debuff that reduces % Cold and Acid Resistances. Reduced Cold damage modifier for Drain Essence to 25-50
- Mythical Scion of Burning Vengeance: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 12%
- Mythical Scion of Noxious Wounds: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 9%
- Mythical Screams of the Aether: added +2 to Hungering Reach
- Mythical Signet of the Fallen: added +2 to Decomposition
- Mythical Silverbolt: increased % Attack Speed to 28%. % Pierce Ratio increased to 100%, damage adjusted accordingly.
- Mythical Soullance: increased damage on the skill proc
- Mythical Spark of Ultos: reduced Lightning Retaliation to 34-880
- Mythical Stormcage Legguards: added 75% All Retaliation damage and +2 to Raging Tempest
- Mythical Temporal Arcblade: added 50 Defensive Ability, increased % Health to 8%, increased the frequency with which the skill proc deals damage
- Mythical Thornhide Legguards: reduced Physical Retaliation to 250-500 and reduced % All Retaliation on the skill proc
- Mythical Time-Flux Band: added +2 to Canister Bomb and 40% Elemental Dot damage
- Mythical Timewarped Walkers: added 24% Poison Resist
- Mythical Tinker's Ingenuity: added 30 Health Regeneration, increased % Health Regeneration on the skill proc
- Mythical Tome of the Arcane Wastes: adjusted values on the granted skill to match changes to Albrecht's Aether Ray
- Mythical Turrion's Reprisal: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 8%
- Mythical Voidwhisper Band: increased Chaos damage for pets on the skill proc to 21
- Mythical White Lotus: reduced Cooldown on the skill proc to 2.5s
- Mythical Witching Hour: increased Chaos damage for pets on the granted skill to 35-60
- Mythical Wraithborne Legwraps: added % Vitality/Vitality Decay damage
- Mythical Wraithwalkers: added +2 to Hungering Reach
- Mythical Zolhan's Revenge: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Zolhan's Technique to 15% and reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack on the skill proc
- Nadaan's Reach: increased Offensive Ability to 60 and increased bonus to Soldier/Inquisitor skills to +2
- Okaloth's Visage: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Righteous Fervor to 6%
- Quillthrower of Dreeg: increased the attack rate on the pets summoned by the skill proc
- Raka'Jax: added 50% Electrocute Duration
- Reforged Chains of Oleron: reduced Physical damage to 10-15
- Riftwarped Grasp: removed Chaos dealt as Vitality conversion
- Runeplates of Ignaffar: added 190 Fire Retaliation
- Sash of the Immortal Sage: added 200 Fire Retaliation
- Scion of Bitter Winds: replaced skill proc with a debuff that reduces % Cold and Acid Resistances
- Silverbolt: % Pierce Ratio increased to 100%, damage adjusted accordingly.
- Soullance: increased damage on the skill proc and reduced its Cooldown
- Temporal Arcblade: increased the frequency with which the skill proc deals damage
- The Grey Knight: increased Internal Trauma damage to 44 and added 80% Internal Trauma Duration
- The Pummeler: reduced Internal Trauma damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 40 and its % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier to 8%
- Thornhide Legguards: reduced Physical Retaliation to 144-350 and reduced % All Retaliation on the skill proc
- Tinker's Ingenuity: added 20 Health Regeneration
- Tome of the Arcane Wastes: adjusted values on the granted skill to match changes to Albrecht's Aether Ray
- Totally Normal Shield: reduced totally normal % Internal Trauma duration by 20% and removed totally normal % Shield Damage Blocked
- Venomlance: reduced Cooldown on the skill proc to 1s
Legendary Set Items
- Ardor of Octavius Set: removed Cooldown modifier for Aegis of Menhir, reduced Internal Trauma damage bonus to 30 / 5s
- Bonemonger Set: added 30% of Elemental dealt as Aether
- Closed Fist of Vengeance: reduced Physical Retaliation to 100
- Dawnseeker's Light Set: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Righteous Fervor to 15%
- Deathguard Set: increased % Physical Resist to 15% and increased Acid damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 140
- Deception of Dreeg Set: increased Acid damage modifier for Eye of Dreeg to 70
- Mythical Mantle of Dreeg: added 25% of Vitality dealt as Acid, replaced % Poison Resist with 20% Pierce Resist
- Mythical Vestments of Dreeg: added 25% of Vitality dealt as Acid
- Harra's Artifice Set: removed Chaos dealt as Cold modifier for Phantasmal Blades. Added 25 Cold damage modifier for Stun Jacks and increased the Cold damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 85.
- Harra's Hood: increased Cold damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 44 and reduced its % Attack Speed Reduction to 15%. Added 8% Crit damage modifier for Stun Jacks.
- Harra's Ward: reduced Cold damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 12 and its % Attack Speed Reduction to 15%
- Mantle of Dreeg: added 25% of Vitality dealt as Acid, replaced % Poison Resist with 18% Pierce Resist
- Markovian's Platemail: replaced % Fire Resist with 28% poison resist
- Markovian's Visor: replaced % Cold Resist with 22% Elemental Resist
- Mythical Beastcaller's Cowl: added +2 to Ground Slam
- Mythical Closed Fist of Vengeance: reduced Physical Retaliation to 180 and % All Retaliation to 40%
- Mythical Dawnbreaker's Sledge: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Righteous Fervor to 6%
- Mythical Light's Defender Helm: reduced Lightning damage modifier for Storm Totem to 16
- Mythical Markovian's Platemail: replaced % Fire Resist with 33% poison resist
- Mythical Markovian's Visor: replaced % Cold Resist with 24% Elemental Resist
- Mythical Shoulderguards of Justice: replaced % Lightning Resist with 18% Aether Resist
- Rage of Agrivix Set: replaced Fire damage modifier for Vindictive Flame with Aether damage and increased its % Cast Speed modifier to 10%. Added a -15% Fire Resist modifier for Siphon Souls.
- Mythical Codex of Agrivix: added 90 Burn damage / 3s and -0.3s Cooldown modifiers for Vindictive Flame
- Mythical Mantle of Agrivix: added 25% of Lightning dealt as Fire
- Sentinel of the Three Set: added 12% Physical Resist and an 8% Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Counter Strike. The Eldritch Shard now also grants Acid Retaliation damage when standing near it.
- Armor of the Three: added % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack on the skill proc
- Defender of the Three: added 8% Cooldown Reduction
- Shattered Guardian Set: increased bonus to All Skills to 2. Increased Damage Modifier on the granted skill to 24%
- Shattered Realm Ward: removed bonus to All Skills
- Shepherd of Lost Souls Set: increased Vitality damage for pets to 40, increased % Attack/Cast Speed modifier for Raise Skeletons to 24%. Added a +3 Summon Limit modifier for Raise Skeletons.
- Mask of Lost Souls: added 380 Health
- Shoulderguards of Justice: replaced % Lightning Resist with 18% Aether Resist
- Stoneguard Set: reduced Physical Retaliation on the skill proc to 1600
- Stoneguard Ward: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack modifier for Righteous Fervor to 9%
- The Blightlord Set: replaced % Attack Speed Reduction modifier for Ravenous Earth with 20% Reduced Resist / 1s modifier and increased its FIre damage modifier to 76. Granted skill is now a proc. Increased % Offensive/Defensive Ability bonuses to 6%.
- Blightlord's Carver: added -12% Fire Resist modifier for Siphon Souls
- The Cyclone Set: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 8% and its Lightning damage modifier to 1-120. Increased Fire damage modifier for Thermite Mine to 180.
- Cyclone Effigy: added +3 Summon Limit and +10s Duration modifiers for Thermite Mine
- Cyclone Mark: increased Lightning damage modifier for Thermite Mine to 1-250
- Cyclone Mask: reduced Fire damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 18 and its Lightning damage modifier to 1-36. Increased Fire damage modifier for Wind Devil to 60 and its Lightning damage modifier to 1-120.
- The Mageslayer Set: increased % Freeze Resist Reduction modifier for Olexra's Flash Freeze to -55%, added -8% Elemental Resist modifier for Veil of Shadow
- Mageslayer's Protector: reduced % Elemental Resist Reduction modifier for Veil of Shadow to -8%
- The Spellscourge Set: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Blade Arc to 60%, added +1s Duration modifier for Devastation
- Spellscourge Bulwark: increased bonus to Devastation to +4, added 900 Health
- The Vileblade Pact Set: reduced Acid damage modifier for Righteous Fervor to 12 and its Poison damage modifier to 35 (this is largely to compensate for some devotion/Nightblade changes)
- Ultos' Hood: replaced % Cold Resist with 22% Elemental Resist
- Ultos' Tempest Set: added 70 Electrocute / 3s modifier for Primal Strike
- Mythical Ultos' Hood: replaced % Cold Resist with 24% Elemental Resist
- Valdun's Betrayal Set: added All Resist Reduction to the granted skill
- Mythical Valdun's Rifle: increased Offensive Ability to 110
- Vestments of Dreeg: added 25% of Vitality dealt as Acid
- Virtue's Light Set: reduced % Cooldown Reduction to 8%, reduced Fire damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 40
- Virtue's Defender: reduced % Crit damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 10%
- Virtue's Ward: removed Cooldown modifier for Aegis of Menhir
- Warborn Bastion Set: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 10%
- Mythical Warborn Gavel: reduced Physical damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 24
- Wildheart Vanguard Set: added +2s Duration modifier for Grasping Vines
[Class & Skills]Devotion
- Affliction: replaced Vitality Decay Retaliation with Acid Retaliation and 50% All Retaliation damage
- Alladrah's Phoenix: increased Fire Retaliation to 200 and % Crit damage to 10%. Added 80% All Retaliation damage.
- Blind Sage: increased % Crit damage to 12%
- Chariot of the Dead added Reduced 15% Stun Duration
- Gallows: increased Health to 160 and Vitality damage to 8
- Hound: removed Physical Retaliation and Retaliation for Pets, increased % All Retaliation to 70%. Increased % Health for pets to 12%.
- Huntress: increased Bleed damage to 11 / 3s
- Hyrian: added 100% All Retaliation damage
- Magi: added 15% Reduced Trap Duration and increased Fire damage to 7-11
- Messenger of War: replaced Physical Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
- Oleron: replaced % Pierce Resist with 80 Armor
- Rat: added 50 Acid Retaliation
- Scarab: increased Acid Retaliation to 40
- Shieldmaiden: increased % Block Chance to 6% and % Shield Recovery Time to 18%
- Stag: increased % All Retaliation damage to 30%
- Targo: added 60% All Retaliation damage and 100 Physical Retaliation
- Tempest: added 15% Reduced Stun Duration
- Typhos: increased % Crit damage for players to 10% (12% for pets)
- Ulo: added 10% Reduced Freeze/Petrify/Stun Duration
- Unknown Soldier: increased % Crit damage to 12%
- Wolverine: removed Physical Retaliation and Retaliation for Pets, increased % All Retaliation to 80%. Added 8% Vitality and Poison Resist for pets.
- Wraith: added 20% All Retaliation damage and 1-70 Lightning Retaliation
- Wretch: replaced Chaos Retaliation with 30 Acid Retaliation
- Blind Fury: increased damage scaling with rank
- Bysmiel's Command: summoned pet now also reduces All Resistances with its attacks
- Dryad's Blessing: reduced Cooldown at max rank to 3.2s
- Fetid Pool: added % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack
- Hungering Void: duration is now static at all ranks at 16s, reduced baseline chance of activation to 33% (scaling with skill cooldown/duration). Reduced % Crit damage to 30% by max rank and increased % Chaos/Vitality damgage bonuses to 375% by max rank.
- Maul: increased damage scaling with rank
- Messenger of War (Proc): replaced Physical Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
- Phoenix Fire: added % All Retaliation damage
- Raise the Dead: summoned skeletons now also reduce All Resistances with their attacks
- Rumor: increased % Acid Resist Reduction scaling with rank to -30% at max rank
- Tip the Scales: added All Resist Reduction
- Ulzaad's Decree: reduced Armor scaling with rank to 150 at max rank
- Counter Strike: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack scaling with rank to 15% by rank 16, 20% by max ultimate rank
- Field Command: reduced % Armor scaling at ranks 9+ to 25% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank
- Overguard: increased Cooldown to 24s. Reduced % Shield Recovery Time scaling with rank to 35% by rank 12, 45% by max ultimate rank. % Reduced Stun Duration now scales with rank to 50% by rank 12, 60% by max ultimate rank. Increased % Health Regeneration scaling with rank to 135% by rank 12, 220% by max ultimate rank.
- Markovian's Defense: increased Cooldown Reduction to -9.5s. Added -10% Shield Recovery Time and a -18% Total Retaliation damage modifier.
- Shield Training: reduced % Shield Recovery Time and % Block Chance scaling with rank to 12% by rank 10, 24% by max ultimate rank
- Blast Shield: replaced bonus to % Fire/Lightning Resist with % Elemental Resist
- Fire Strike: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 138% by max ultimate rank
- Explosive Strike: increased Radius scaling with rank to 3.8 by ranks 12, 4.3 by max ultimate rank and increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 40% by max ultimate rank
- Blackwater Cocktail: FX now visually matches the affected area better
- Temper: increased Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 108 by rank 12, 198 by max ultimate rank and increased % All Retaliation damage scaling with rank to 100% by rank 12, 210% by max ultimate rank
- Vindictive Flame: added Fire Retaliation damage
- Blood of Dreeg: increased Health Regeneration scaling at ultimate ranks to 240 by max ultimate rank
- Aspect of the Guardian: added % All Retaliation damage bonus
- Blood Burst: increased Radius by 0.3 and increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 30% by max ultimate rank
- Terrifying Gaze: replaced Chance of Terrify with Chance of Confuse
- Ember Claw: increased % Pet Attack damage scaling to 120% by rank 12, 130% by max ultimate rank
- Infernal Breath: increased % Pet Attack damage scaling to 80% by rank 12, 100% by max ultimate rank and increased Fire damage scaling with rank
- Mend Flesh: now heals all allies in a small radius around the initial target
- Second Rite: increased % Vitality Resist scaling at ultimate ranks to 35%
- Amarasta's Quick Cut: increased animation speed by 20% for an even quicker quick cut
- Anatomy of Murder: added % Bleed Duration
- Blade Barrier: added Crowd Control Reduction scaling with rank
- Shadow Dance: increased Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 120 by rank 12, 220 by max ultimate rank. Added % Reduced Trap Duration.
- Albrecht's Aether Ray: now pierces through enemies, values adjusted accordingly on the skill, its Modifier and its Item Skill Modifiers where necessary
- Arcane Will: increased Defensive Ability scaling with rank to 150 by rank 10, 280 by max ultimate rank
- Conversion: added % Reduced Trap Duration
- Overload: added % Aether Resist
- Ground Slam: spines now pierce through enemies. Replaced Internal Trauma with Bleed damage
- Mogdrogen's Pact: added % Physical damage bonus for pets
- Heart of the Wild: added % Health Regeneration
- Oak Skin: replaced % Health Regeneration with % Aether Resist
- Raging Tempest: increased % Elemental Resist Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to -45% by max ultimate rank
- Savagery: fixed an issue where % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks did not actually increase damage. As the skill was balanced around this bug and it is now fixed, we've adjusted % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks. This is a net buff.
- Aura of Censure: reduced % Elemental Resist Reduction scaling with rank to -30% at rank 12, -40% by max ultimate rank
- Word of Arms: increased Cooldown Reduction to -6s
- Steel Resolve: reduced Damage Bonus against Eldritch/Chthonians scaling with rank to 12% by rank 12, 18% by max ultimate rank
- Dread: replaced Chance of Terrify with Chance of Confuse
- Ill Omen: replaced Terrify with Confuse
- Necrotic Edge: replaced Chance of Terrify with Chance of Confuse
- Reap Spirit: significantly increased % Weapon damage and increased Vitality Decay damage scaling with rank. Increased Wraith duration to 18s.
- Aegis of Menhir: reduced % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 345% by rank 16, 405% by max ultimate rank. Reduced Physical/Fire damage scaling at ranks 22+.
- Avenging Shield: reduced % Crit damage scaling with rank to 30% by rank 12, 45% by max ultimate rank
- Reprisal: reduced Burn damage scaling with rank
- Ascension: Increased Cooldown to 24s. Reduced % All Retaliation damage scaling with rank to 160% by rank 12, 330% by max ultimate rank.
- Eye of Reckoning: reduced Movement Speed by an additional 4% while spinning to win
- Heart of Wrath: increased base Fire damage and increased Burn damage scaling with rank
- Rebuke: reduced % All Retaliation damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 185% by max ultimate rank
- Resilience: reduced % Physical Resist scaling with rank to 12% by rank 12, 18% by max ultimate rank
- Righteous Fervor: fixed an issue where % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks did not actually increase damage. As the skill was balanced around this bug and it is now fixed, we've adjusted % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks. This is a net buff.
- Safeguard: reduced Armor scaling with rank
- Summon Guardian of Empyrion: increased damage scaling with rank
Hotfix 1[]
V1.1.2.1 Hotfix 1
- fixed bug where skill assignment and devotion search would not work properly with gamepads
- The Avatar of Korvaak encounter no longer soft-enrages on Ultimate difficulty.
- Fixed an issue with several new skill FX missing textures when playing without Ashes of Malmouth or Forgotten Gods installed.
Hotfix 2[]
V1.1.2.2 Hotfix 2
- Free cursor movement using the left stick in gamepad mode is back by popular demand.
- Dpad UI snapping now properly repeats movement when buttons are held.
- Dpad UI snapping is now also available via the DPad on Steam Controllers.
- Fixed an issue where selecting conversation options had become more cumbersome.
- Fixed an issue where Blacksmith bonuses could not be viewed using a gamepad.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to visually equip a 2 handed weapon in the offhand when using a gamepad.
- Fixed a bug where cancelling channeled skills could increase attack speed.
- Fixed a bug causing gamepad target lock to not work.
- Hyram (in Steelcap District) now always sells Empowered Relic Blueprints rather than switching to Transcendant Blueprints past a certain level. This is in addition to Blueprints he normally sold.
- Fixed an issue where the Byscilla's Plan quest cannot be completed on Ultimate difficulty under certain circumstances.
- Bloodrager's Frenzy Set: reduced Bleed damage on the skill proc to 32 / 3s
- Bloodrager's Cowl: removed flat Bleed damage and reduced the % Bleed damage to 50% on the skill proc
- Bloodrager's Endless Frenzy Set: reduced Bleed damage on the skill proc to 44 / 3s, added 90 / 3s Bleed damage modifier for Blade Arc
- Mythical Bloodrager's Cowl: removed flat Bleed damage and reduced the % Bleed damage to 75% on the skill proc
- Faceguard of Justice: passive skill removed. Comparable bonuses baked into the base item.
- Ludrigan's Pride Set: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Chilling Rounds to 20% and reduced % Damage Modifier modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 120%
- Ludrigan's Hat: reduced Electrocute damage modifier for Storm Totem to 60
- Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn: added 4% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray. Added -8% Energy Cost, 55 Chaos damage and 4% Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Flames of Ignaffar.
- Mythical Chestguard of Justice: added +2 to Temper
- Mythical Faceguard of Justice: passive skill removed. Comparable bonuses baked into the base item. Bonus to Temper moved to the Chestguard.
- Mythical Shoulderguards of Justice: passive skill removed. Comparable bonuses baked into the base item.
- Shoulderguards of Justice: passive skill removed. Comparable bonuses baked into the base item.
- The Cataclysm Set: increased cooldown on the skill proc to 2s
[Class & Skills]Devotion
- Dryad: added 3% Run Speed, 30 Armor and 12% Slow Resist. Removed % Poison/Bleed Duration Reduction.
- Dryad's Blessing: added Armor bonus
- Supercharged: increased Electrocute damage scaling with rank
- Trozan's Sky Shard: increased damage scaling with rank
- Maelstrom: reduced Lightning damage scaling with rank and increased Electrocute damage scaling with rank
- Storm Totem: reduced Lightning damage scaling with rank and increased Electrocute damage scaling with rank
- Eye of Reckoning: reduced damage at rank 26