Grim Dawn Wiki

Unmoved by the noxious fumes of decay, conjure forth an abomination made of corpses and rotting filth to rise up from the earth and subdue your enemies.

Only one Blight Fiend can be summoned at any one time. The blight fiend scales with Pet Bonuses.


Skill Progression[]

Updated to: v1.1.9.0

Base Levels
Level Stats

150 Energy Cost
18 Second Skill Recharge
1 Summon Limit

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+0% to All Damage
+0% Crit Damage
+0% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 0%
Blighted Claws

23-33 Physical Damage
40 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

5 Second Duration
3.2 Meter Radius
35 Acid Damage
90 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

155 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+8% to All Damage
+5% Crit Damage
+5% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 10%
Blighted Claws

34-50 Physical Damage
90 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

48 Acid Damage
160 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

160 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+14% to All Damage
+7% Crit Damage
+10% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 20%
Blighted Claws

46-67 Physical Damage
140 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

61 Acid Damage
230 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

165 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+22% to All Damage
+9% Crit Damage
+15% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 30%
Blighted Claws

58-83 Physical Damage
185 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

74 Acid Damage
300 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

170 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+28% to All Damage
+11% Crit Damage
+20% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 40%
Blighted Claws

69-100 Physical Damage
230 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

87 Acid Damage
370 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

175 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+35% to All Damage
+13% Crit Damage
+25% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 50%
Blighted Claws

81-117 Physical Damage
275 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

100 Acid Damage
440 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

180 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+41% to All Damage
+15% Crit Damage
+30% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 60%
Blighted Claws

93-133 Physical Damage
325 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

113 Acid Damage
510 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

185 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+48% to All Damage
+17% Crit Damage
+35% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 70%
Blighted Claws

105-151 Physical Damage
370 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

126 Acid Damage
580 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

190 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+54% to All Damage
+19% Crit Damage
+40% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 80%
Blighted Claws

117-167 Physical Damage
420 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

139 Acid Damage
650 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

195 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+61% to All Damage
+21% Crit Damage
+45% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 90%
Blighted Claws

129-185 Physical Damage
470 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

152 Acid Damage
720 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

200 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+67% to All Damage
+23% Crit Damage
+50% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 100%
Blighted Claws

141-202 Physical Damage
510 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

165 Acid Damage
790 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

205 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+74% to All Damage
+25% Crit Damage
+55% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 110%
Blighted Claws

154-218 Physical Damage
560 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

178 Acid Damage
860 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

210 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+80% to All Damage
+27% Crit Damage
+60% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 120%
Blighted Claws

166-235 Physical Damage
610 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

191 Acid Damage
930 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

215 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+87% to All Damage
+29% Crit Damage
+65% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 130%
Blighted Claws

178-252 Physical Damage
655 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

204 Acid Damage
1000 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

220 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+93% to All Damage
+31% Crit Damage
+70% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 140%
Blighted Claws

190-269 Physical Damage
705 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

217 Acid Damage
1070 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

225 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+100% to All Damage
+33% Crit Damage
+75% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 150%
Blighted Claws

202-286 Physical Damage
750 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

230 Acid Damage
114 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds
Ultimate Levels
Level Stats

230 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+106% to All Damage
+34% Crit Damage
+80% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 160%
Blighted Claws

215-303 Physical Damage
800 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

244 Acid Damage
1215 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

235 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+113% to All Damage
+35% Crit Damage
+85% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 170%
Blighted Claws

228-322 Physical Damage
850 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

258 Acid Damage
1290 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

240 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+119% to All Damage
+36% Crit Damage
+90% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 180%
Blighted Claws

241-339 Physical Damage
895 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

272 Acid Damage
1365 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

245 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+126% to All Damage
+37% Crit Damage
+95% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 190%
Blighted Claws

254-358 Physical Damage
945 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

286 Acid Damage
1440 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

250 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+132% to All Damage
+38% Crit Damage
+100% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 200%
Blighted Claws

268-375 Physical Damage
995 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

300 Acid Damage
1515 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

255 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+139% to All Damage
+39% Crit Damage
+105% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 210%
Blighted Claws

282-394 Physical Damage
1040 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

315 Acid Damage
1595 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

260 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+145% to All Damage
+40% Crit Damage
+110% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 220%
Blighted Claws

295-412 Physical Damage
1090 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

330 Acid Damage
1675 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

265 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+152% to All Damage
+41% Crit Damage
+115% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 230%
Blighted Claws

309-432 Physical Damage
1140 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

349 Acid Damage
1770 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

270 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+158% to All Damage
+42% Crit Damage
+120% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 240%
Blighted Claws

323-449 Physical Damage
1190 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

368 Acid Damage
1865 Poison Damage over 55 Seconds

275 Energy Cost

Blight Beast Attributes:

x Health
x Energy

Blight Beast Abilities:

+165% to All Damage
+45% Crit Damage
+125% Health
Increases Energy Regeneration by 250%
Blighted Claws

340-472 Physical Damage
1245 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Virulent Death

397 Acid Damage
2000 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
