Grim Dawn Wiki

Move proposal[]

One of the below:

  1. Default Weapon Attack Replacer Skills (capitalize "replacer")
  2. Default weapon attack replacer skills (sentence case)

Looking at Wikipedia and several other wikis, article titles may be written in lowercase if they're not direct quotes or otherwise need capitalization (though this is false for some wikis). In either case, the current title is inconsistent. I favor the latter option as I generally don't like avoidable capitalization.

Of course, it is possible that the developers did something really "unusual", say, published a style guide that all community-made resources are expected to follow, and in this case it may be better to follow that style guide, though I am not aware of any such restriction.

Any thoughts? --AttemptToCallNil (talk) 05:58, 12 January 2020 (UTC)

The latter makes the most sense in this case. Surafbrov (talk) 19:09, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
Maybe. Seeing this only got a response in over three weeks, and only because I had a bad dream about this page and mentioned it on the Fandom/Gamepedia Discord... well, I moved the page. --AttemptToCallNil (talk) 19:22, 2 February 2020 (UTC)