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The Black Legion's Finest
The Black Legion's Finest
Quest Info
Given by: Ulgrim
Location: Homestead
Faction: Homestead, The Black Legion
Type: Main Quest
Prerequisites: A Timely Arrival
Unlocks: The Aetherial Farm
Rewards: XP, Reputation

This short quest marks the beginning of the second main quest line for Act 3, The Trials of Homestead. It is offered by Ulgrim after completing the A Timely Arrival quest.

He suggests you talk to Captain Somer to learn about the situation the Black Legion are facing in Homestead.


  • Speak to Captain Somer in Homestead


Talking to Captain Somer will complete the quest. She will ask if you are prepared to fight for the Black Legion. If you agree she will the offer The Aetherial Farm quest.


Normal Elite Ultimate
XP 2500 12000 28000

+100 (Homestead)
+100 (Black Legion)

Quest Log[]

Quest log

With Ulgrim and the refugees safely in Homestead, you should speak to Captain Somer of the Black Legion to learn more about the situation in the farmlands.


  • Speak to Captain Somer in Homestead